Our vision is choice and control for all...

WKM Support Services is based in East Midlands with caring and long-serving team members who are passionate about helping you achieve the life you want and assist you in making informed decisions. We provide a fully regulated service for individuals with a budget for care and support and who need assistance to live independently at home

About Us

Making life better for all of us

WKM Support services is based in East Midlands working to make a better life for vulnerable people and support community at large. We provide payroll and managed support services. Our team deliver friendly, professional, and personal service.

Business Ethos and Experience

Our core company value is to ensure that our clients have the ultimate control to best choose their care support needs and help them overcome any barriers. We are committed to helping you achieve the life you want as we take care of all your payroll needs. We do so by providing payroll support services that can be processed weekly, fortnightly, four weekly or monthly, tailored to your individual needs.

What We Offer

Managed with payroll

  • We process all relevant information required for your PA
  • We arrange to make all necessary payments from designated account allocate to you
  • We deal with all payment required (i.e pay carer, HMRC and any other bills)
  • We provide you with full breakdown of how much has been paid to carers and email or provide your carer with online portal to access their payslip

Payroll Services only

So, users may choose to deal and manage their own finance, so we provide payroll ONLY SERVICES where:

  • You notify us hours to be paid to carers
  • We process the payroll and submit all relevant information to HMRC
  • We email you a report indicating amount to be paid to both carer and HMRC
  • You then pay the carers and HMRC plus any other organisation which needs paying.

Our Staff

Mariah Tompkins

Christine Wangari

Ready To Start? Let's Start

About Us

WKM Support services is based in East Midlands working to make a better life for vulnerable people and support community at large. We provide payroll and managed support services. Our team deliver friendly, professional, and personal service.

Social Media

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